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The group “Pedale-Maiale” is mainly formed by people loving the cycle holidays, but also great food and wine. Every year we plan a trip to a nice place or zone (usually somewhere with beautiful landscape), where it is also possible to eat something special. We mainly visited some Italy zone, but we also went to Corsica and, in the future, we plan trips all around Europe. Typically we always ride our bicycles, and, if needed, we use public transportation.

The bicycle is the most green means of carrying, and we like to stay within the nature living great experiences. To reach our targets using only our energies, without the help of any engine makes everything special. And also the great food and wine we are looking for during our travels, gain in taste and flavor if reached in such a way.

To be constantly informed about our activities, please visit our blog or follow us on Twitter @pedalemaiale!!!

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